
Coffee Morning - The next coffee morning will be on Tuesday the 4th March from 11:00 AM. Please join us at the surgery, everyone is welcome.
Alton Surgery Mission Statement
Mission Statement
To put patients first offering a friendly supportive service
To deliver high quality, evidence-based care, and health promotion to our patients
To deliver a safe, effective, and responsive service
To provide the right care by the right person to each patient
To support our staff to grow
For an overview of general information about the Surgery, please click the link to our practice leaflet here.

GP Patient Survey results 2024
The GP Patient Survey evaluates patients' experiences of healthcare services provided by GP practices, including access to GP practices, appointment scheduling, quality of care, as well as services when their GP practice is closed.
Our practice received an overall rating of "good experience" at 96%, exceeding local and national averages by over 20%.
We thank all of our patients for their positive feedback.
Detailed results are available on the GP Patient Survey website.
Tell us about your experience
We want to hear from our patients at Alton Surgery. Your feedback is incredibly important and will help us to better deliver care services to all our patients.
If you have any comments about the care you have received or feedback on any of our services please do let us know. You can leave a review over on the NHS website here.